
Publikationen aus dem Innovationsraum NewFoodSystems

Hier finden Sie alle Publikationen aus den FuEuI-Projekten von NewFoodSystems und übergeordnete Artikel:

Nachhaltige Proteinzutaten:

Etzbach, L., Gola, S., Küllmer, F., Acir, I.H., Wohlt, D., Ignatzy, L.M., Bader-Mittermaier, S., Schweiggert-Weisz, U. (2024) Opportunities and Challenges of Plant Proteins as Functional Ingredients for Food Production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. »Publikation


Sattler, M., Müller, V., Bunzel, D., Kulling, S. E., & Soukup, S. T. (2023). Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in borage (Borago officinalis): Comprehensive profiling and development of a validated LC-MS/MS method for quantification. Talanta, Vol. 258, 124425. »Publikation

Sattler M, Huch M, Bunzel D, Soukup ST, Kulling SE. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid contents and profiles in Borago officinalis leaves, flowers and microgreens: Implications for safety, Food Control. »Publikation

Pr:Ins – Ganzheitliche Bewertung:

Puteri, B., Jahnke, B., & Zander, K. (2023). Booming the bugs: How can marketing help increase consumer acceptance of insect-based food in Western countries? Appetite, Vol. 187, 106594. »Publikation

Puteri, B., Suckert, M., Kocaaydin, S. & Jahnke, B. (2023): Kurzbericht zur Status-Quo-Analyse in Forschung und Praxis. »Bericht

Puteri, B., Oehlmann, M. & Jahnke. B. (2024): Who has an appetite for insects? Identifying segments of early adopters of insect-based food and their product attribute preferences: Insights from a choice experiment study in Germany, In: Food Research International 196, 114994. »Publikation


Schweiggert-Weisz U, Etzbach L, Gola S, Kulling SE, Diekmann C, Egert S, Daniel H: New plant-based food products between technology and physiology. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2024 »Publikation


Kanter, J.P., Milke, L., Metz, K.K., Biabani, A., Schlüter, H., Gand, M., Ley, J.P. & Zorn, H. (2024). Novel Catechol O-methyltransferases from Lentinula edodes Catalyze the Generation of Taste-Active Flavonoids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 72 (19), 11002-11012. »Publikation


Beer F, Weinert CW, Wellmann J, Hillebrand S, Ley JP, Soukup ST, Kulling SE. (2024) Comprehensive metabolome characterization of leaves, internodes, and aerial roots of Vanilla planifolia by untargeted LCMS and GC × GC-MS. Phytochemical Analysis. »Publikation


Richard Bleisch, Gunnar Mühlstädt, Gerd Hilpmann, Leander Seibel, Juliane Steingröwer, Susann Zahn, Anja Maria Wagemans, Felix Krujatz (2025) A robust, non-invasive and fast routine for the quantification of the nutritional composition of microalgae biomass slurries based on near-infrared spectroscopy. Algal Research, Vol. 85, 103882 »Publikation